According to Newsday, Sal Gandolfo pleaded not guilty to animal cruelty charges.
Gandolfo's wife is an established trainer on Long Island. In other words, the Gandolfos are not a bunch or ignorant hicks that have no idea how to take care of horses.
It will be interesting to learn what kinds of excuses they come up with to explain the condition of the horses. Here's one -- WNBC carried the story (link) which included this quote from Gandolfo's wife Veronica:
"We had people caring for them. He was caring for them. Every time we went in and we put hay, it was stolen -- we have the receipts."
Got that? EVERY TIME they went to feed the horses, the food was stollen!
That doesn't account for the condition of the horses' hooves -- or maybe they have receipts for that too.
And lookie, here's another excuse brought to you by WCBS (link), this time from the Gandolfo's son:
"My dad rescued him from another place, so we were trying to feed them."

"Every time we went to feed and we put hay, it was stolen -- I have the receipts.
So, we're supposed to believe that the Gandolfos, who have amassed a long list of disgruntled vendors and clientele from one end of the Island to the other, have all the sudden gone into the business of rescuing horses? And that they kept feeding the horses, who just stood around waiting for the food to get stolen??
The Suffolk County SPCA wasn't born yesterday, and you can bet that they've documented this case carefully.
Here's a link to the WABC report.
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